May 29, 2022

Don't Call Me

Don't Call Me

Everyone wants to work less and earn more. In this episode we deep dive into the three shifts you need to make to experience next level leverage.You cannot ‘Delegate to Elevate’ until you nail this. Doing less and earning more starts with basic actions you can start doing TODAY.

Everyone wants to work less and earn more. In this episode we deep dive into the three shifts you need to make to experience next level leverage.

You cannot ‘Delegate to Elevate’ until you nail this. Doing less and earning more starts with basic actions you can start doing TODAY.

Where’s your phone? It should be on silent in your bag.

Do not disturb.

Join me for this rant / podcast episode about how your relationship with your phone should change for life.

All anybody wants is a lucrative, leveraged, lifestyle business. Listen, take action today, and start your journey.

Uncover Your Business's Financial Health

Take The Acid Test and in just 5 minutes, you'll receive a tailored Financial Fitness score, along with instant insights into areas where you can enhance your financial strategies.

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