October 2, 2022

Six Figures In 90 Minutes

Six Figures In 90 Minutes

Most entrepreneurs get paid less than minimum wage for double the stress. The aim of the game is to move from busy fool to well-paid entrepreneur, work less and earn more, bottom line time! In this episode, we deep dive into your HOURLY RATE which is without a doubt one of the most important tools in your tool box.


Most entrepreneurs get paid less than minimum wage for double the stress. The aim of the game is to move from busy fool to well paid entrepreneur, work less and earn more, bottom line time! In this episode we deep dive into your HOURLY RATE which is without a doubt one of the most important tools in your tool box. If you are not tracking this accurately, every month then using it diligently every day, expect to keep treading water. I used this personally to earn six figure drawings in 90 minutes per week then sell my business at a top end valuation! Everything revolves around this single, simple number.

Work you do and don’t do How much you get paid and don’t get paid Businesses you are involved in and aren’t Deals you do and the ones you don’t Even If you have a cleaner to clean your house!!!

Understand the principles and diligently apply this in your business to become a well paid entrepreneur. Work less and earn more, this is the aim of the game!Listen to the end for top tips that will change everything for you.

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